Healthy Companies Blog

Turning Vulnerability Into an Asset
A CEO raised by alcoholic parents develops a keen ability to observe and manage the emotions of his peers. A chronically anxious manager uses his

The Gift of Feedback
“It’s just business, nothing personal!” How many times have you heard that before? I hate that expression. Everything is personal, especially feedback. We live in

The Power of Resilience
Ask any business leader and he or she will tell you about the multiple times that they fell down and got up in their career.

What’s Love Got to Do With It?
Have you ever wondered why we don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day at work? Especially when business success depends more than ever on the power of people

Want More Organizational Agility? Create a Kill Our Company Committee
In 2013 Aileen Lee invented the term “Unicorn” to refer to startup organizations with investor valuations of over $1 billion. Lee, a founder and managing

Staying Connected While Working Apart
Engagement has been a hot topic for at least the past twenty years. Surveys galore let organizations and managers know where they are losing and

Six Easy Steps for Boosting Your Resilience
Resilience can be learned and makes you stronger. For decades, stress was viewed as bad and damaging. Then we began to see the power of

How a Global 100 Company is Advancing their Whole Person Health Strategy
Hollie Ward, Global Head of Leadership Development and Talent Readiness, Cigna Grounded® and Conscious at the center of Cigna’s New Leadership Model Cigna is a

Just Enough Anxiety – How to Cope in Today’s Uncertain World
No matter where you get your news these days on the internet, TV, podcast, social media – reading, listening, and watching are likely to make