It’s here! Our CEO’s new book, Grounded: how leaders stay rooted in an uncertain world, is now available just about everywhere.
What can you learn from Grounded?
Extensive research and hundreds of interviews reveal three basic truths:
#1 Who you are drives what you do
Grounded turns on its head the traditional idea of leadership being all about action and doing. You’ll learn quite the contrary: quality leadership stems not from what a person does but who that person is inside himself.
#2 Who You Are Is Grounded in Your Healthy Roots
Too often, people consider intelligence or experience or other qualities, like connections and who you know, to be the secret to a successful leader. These qualities are essential, no doubt about it. However, they are just parts of the bigger picture and what comprises “Who you are.” “Health” is the key word here. Healthy roots let you be Grounded. Each chapter focuses on individual, distinctive qualities that any leader can develop.
#3 Healthy Leaders Build Teams and Organizations That Outperform
This third truth speaks to the outcomes and benefits of having healthy roots and knowing who you are. With healthy roots, leaders not only are more fulfilled and reach their potential but have an effect on other individuals and vast organizations. The book shares data showing that leaders with vibrant healthy roots have a positive impact throughout organizations. They motivate people around them to perform at their best and they inspire companies and even the communities in which they operate to benefit the greater good. Along the way and not incidentally, their healthy leadership has been shown to produce tangible results in a company’s operations and bottom line.
Grounded is available at these and other locations. It is also available on Kindle.